
Giving healthcare consumers first-hand control.

The myOptum App

Optum is a multifaceted company that provides consumers with a range of healthcare solutions spanning pharmacy, banking, disease prevention, and chronic and complex condition management. As it strives to carve out a position as a leading digital healthcare brand, integrating this diverse menu of services in a cohesive, user-centered way is a linchpin of its competitive approach. After first engaging Livefront to lead its mobile design systems effort in 2017, Optum asked us to drive the design and development of a new flagship app, MyOptum, to form the nexus of this hub-and-spoke strategy.


  • Product Design
  • iOS Development
  • Motion Design
  • Android Development
  • Product Illustration
  • SDK Development

A cohesive experience for healthcare consumers.

For too many patients and their families, healthcare is convoluted maze of disparate services and administrative red tape. Things like insurance claims, medical expenses, and pharmacy orders all live in separate places and keeping track of it all can be dizzying. For individuals with complex health issues and comorbidities, staying on top of a slew of medications, appointments, and tracked health metrics can be too much to keep up with, leading to poorer and more expensive outcomes. Simply put: it’s a mess.

MyOptum was designed to bring order to this chaos and empower medical consumers to take control of their health. By pulling care protocols and prescription management together with claims, billing, and account balances, MyOptum gives consumers a bird’s-eye view of their whole healthcare experience. And by being designed with an eye to growth — think appointment scheduling, telemedicine, EMR access, et ceterea — the app gives Optum a firm foundation upon which to build the future of digital healthcare.

Branded at the flip of a switch.

MyOptum is powered by the dynamic branding SDK we created for Optum alongside our work on the App Design Pattern Library. With just a few lines of code, the app natively supports a spectrum of branding configurations for first-party, partner-branded, and white-labelled experiences all within a single app binary.

Your health data, visualized.

Collecting and aggregating health data has never been easier, but making it useful is a whole other challenge. MyOptum artfully visualizes tracked health metrics to help users intuitively understand what it means for them, and allows them to share that information with Optum health coaches and care coordinators in nearly real time for truly data-informed, individualized care. Even better, those visualizations are supported by custom iOS and Android SDK that can be reused across products and platforms for a visually harmonious, technically efficient approach to data visualization throughout the entire enterprise.

Bringing the brand to life through illustration.

We created a set of beautiful, ever-so-slightly whimsical illustrations to infuse the product with a friendly, familiar quality that softens the sterility usually associated with the healthcare industry. Moreover, we established a visual style that’s finding it’s way to the enterprise level and becoming a recognizable signature of Optum’s broader digital product ecosystem.

Not just a partner, a mentor.

Like any organization in the thick of digital transformation, one of Optum’s greatest challenges is recruiting and retaining senior tech talent. Companies in this position usually have two options: snap up top managers and individual contributors through expensive startup acqui-hires, or try to train less experienced advocates despite lacking the leadership bandwidth to do so. Instead, we helped Optum clear a different path altogether by bringing our team of seasoned pros alongside their less experienced internal resources to teach and mentor throughout the process of hands-on collaboration. In the end, Optum didn’t just get a whole new product… it got a whole new team.

Let's create something remarkable together.

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