What mobile means to us

Mobile isn’t a device category, mobile is a lifestyle. Livefront develops remarkable mobile experiences across platforms, form factors, and screen sizes to help our clients meet their customers any time, anywhere.

Platforms & Expertise

  • Phones

    iOS, Android, Swift, Java, and Kotlin.

  • Tablets

    iPad, iPad OS, and Android tablets.

  • Watches

    Apple Watch, watchOS, WatchKit, Android Wear OS, Moto 360, and Samsung Galaxy Watch.

  • Smart Speakers & Voice

    Amazon Echo, Alexa integration, custom Alexa skills, Google Home, Apple HomePod, and Apple SiriKit.

  • Automobiles

    Apple CarPlay and Android Auto.

  • Augmented Reality

    Apple ARKit and Android ARCore.

  • Virtual Reality

    Unity for iOS and Android apps.

  • Internet of Things

    IoT connected devices and embedded Android.

  • TV

    Apple TV, Android TV, Amazon Fire TV, Roku, and tvOS.

  • Kiosks

    iPad kiosk mode, Android kiosk mode, and external screens.

  • Communication Protocols

    BLE, NFC, and custom communication protocols.

  • Beacons & Mapping

    Bluetooth, BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy), Beacons, iBeacons, Proximity sensing and awareness, and wayfinding.

  • Mobile Payments & Wallets

    Android Pay, Google Wallet, Apple Pay, and Apple Wallet.

  • Health & Wellness

    iOS HealthKit, iOS ResearchKit, iOS CareKit, Google Fit, Fitbit, and Garmin.

  • Machine Learning

    MLKit, machine learning, pattern recognition, artificial intelligence.

  • Mobile Web

    Progressive Web Apps (PWA), mobile-first web apps, responsive design, responsive development, Ruby on Rails, HTML, CSS, Javascript, Node.js, Angular, and React.

Let's create something remarkable together.

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