SwiftUI Custom Alignment
September 18, 2023

SwiftUI comes with many built-in options for aligning views. When you use the basic container views such as HStack
, VStack
, and ZStack
you have the option to provide an alignment parameter which controls the placement of subviews relative to each other. Alignments are categorized as either HorizontalAlignment
or VerticalAlignment
A container’s available alignments are those perpendicular to the predominant axis of the container view. For example, HStack
lays out subviews horizontally, so it allows VerticalAlignment
. VStack
lays out subviews vertically, so it allows HorizontalAlignment
. ZStack
lays out subviews along both vertical and horizontal axes, so it uses a compound Alignment
type which contains both a HorizontalAlignment
and VerticalAlignment
Each alignment type comes with a collection of standard alignments. For example, the standard alignments for VerticalAlignment
are: top
, center
, bottom
, firstTextBaseline
, and lastTextBaseline

These pre-defined alignments can be used to create most typical layout designs. But what if a design calls for views to be placed at a location other than one of the standard alignments?

For this, SwiftUI allows us to define our own custom alignments. Let’s see how we can define a custom VerticalAlignment
that places views two-thirds of the way down a ZStack
Custom Alignment Implementation
The built-in alignment options are defined as static properties on the corresponding alignment types. Here’s how VerticalAlignment
defines it’s top
alignment value.
extension VerticalAlignment {
public static let top: VerticalAlignment
Let’s define our two-thirds alignment in a similar way.
extension VerticalAlignment {
public static let twoThirds = VerticalAlignment(…)
You’ll notice we actually have to initialize a VerticalAlignment
when we declare our custom alignment value. The initializer takes a single parameter of type AlignmentID.Type
. We’ll need to define an AlignmentID
for our custom alignment. This type is never meant to be instantiated, so we’ll define it as an enum
enum TwoThirdsAlignmentId: AlignmentID {
static func defaultValue(in context: ViewDimensions) -> CGFloat {
The AlignmentID
protocol requires a single static function named defaultValue(in:)
. This function contains our custom layout calculations. It receives a ViewDimensions
value which provides sizing information about the View
we’re aligning. It’s also responsible for returning an offset in the view’s coordinate space. So returning 0
for a vertical alignment would align to the top edge of the view. Returning the height of the view would align to the bottom edge of the view. For our two-thirds alignment, we want to align to two-thirds of the view’s height.
enum TwoThirdsAlignmentId: AlignmentID {
static func defaultValue(in context: ViewDimensions) -> CGFloat {
context.height * 2/3
Now we can use our AlignmentID
with our VerticalAlignment
extension VerticalAlignment {
public static let twoThirds = VerticalAlignment(TwoThirdsAlignmentId.self)
Since we want to use this custom alignment with a ZStack
, there’s one more static property to define. Remember that ZStack
uses the Alignment
type which combines a VerticalAlignment
and a HorizontalAlignment
. In this example, we’ll use a leading horizontal alignment. So let’s define a twoThirdsLeading
alignment like this:
extension Alignment {
static let twoThirdsLeading = Alignment(horizontal: .leading, vertical: .twoThirds)
Using a Custom Alignment
Now we’re ready to use our custom alignment in a ZStack
. Let’s start by building a SwiftUI View
with a ZStack
and some text content.
struct Example: View {
var body: some View {
ZStack {

Our ZStack
contains three views: a background Color
view, a TitleView
, and a RedLine
view. The Color
view expands the ZStack
to use all available space. This will make it easier for us to see how the content views are being aligned. The RedLine
view will also be used to show us exactly where views are being aligned vertically. By default, ZStack
uses center
alignment to place all content views in the center of the container. Let’s see what happens when we use our new custom alignment.
struct Example: View {
var body: some View {
ZStack(alignment: .twoThirdsLeading) {

Our custom alignment is working! We can see that all three content views are aligned to two-thirds of their heights. But there’s one more change we need to make to match our original design. Rather than pinning the TitleView
on the RedLine
at two-thirds of its height, we actually want the TitleView
to be centered vertically on the RedLine
. To achieve this, we need to adjust how TitleView
responds to our custom VerticalAlignment.twoThirds
alignment. This can be done with SwiftUI’s alignmentGuide
view modifier.
struct Example: View {
var body: some View {
ZStack(alignment: .twoThirdsLeading) {
.alignmentGuide(.twoThirds) { context in
The alignmentGuide
modifier is very similar to the defaultValue
function of AlignmentID
. In the first parameter, we specify which alignment we’re modifying. In this case, it’s our custom twoThirds
alignment. Then we provide a closure which receives a ViewDimension
describing the sizing of the TitleView
. In this closure, we’re again responsible for returning an offset in the view’s coordinate space. Instead of returning two-thirds of the view’s height, we’ll now return half of the view’s height.
struct Example: View {
var body: some View {
ZStack(alignment: .twoThirdsLeading) {
.alignmentGuide(.twoThirds) { context in
context.height / 2

And we’re done! The TitleView
is now vertically centered at two-thirds of the height of its container. Try experimenting with different combinations of standard alignments, custom alignments, and alignmentGuide
to see what layouts you can come up with.
Thanks for reading!
Paul works at Livefront , where the test coverage is strong, the designs are good looking, and all the developers are above average.