
Speaking, writing, and leading by example.

We push things forward.

We teach, speak, write, share, sponsor, and impact the community.


We Speak


We Write


We Teach


We Share

  • Smart Factory

    A community classroom and collaboration space we created to host small events, large meetings, hack nights, workshops, and company off-sites.

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  • Final Pass

    A mobile device testing lab, made available to the community and our competitors, for testing mobile software on real devices.

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We Lead

  • Twin Cities Hack Night

    We started TC Hack, a casual, fun and open hack night hosted monthly for the Twin Cities.

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  • Twin Cities Startup Week

    We were a founding partner and sponsor of the Twin Cities’ premier startup festival.

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  • Beta Bridge

    We are the lead partner and co-organizer of Beta Bridge, an event that connects large corporations with early-stage startups.

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We Advocate

  • For Girls in Technology –

    We offer our space and resources to TechnovationMN, working to inspire and empower girls to leverage technology to make an impact on their communities.

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  • For Underrepresented Minorities –

    We financially support, an organization dedicated to expanding access to computer science in schools and increasing participation by underrepresented minorities.

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  • For Young People –
    Project Success

    We offer time, tours, and teaching to Project Success, an organization inspiring young people to dream about the future and help them take steps to get there.

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We Mentor

  • Code Reviews

    Livefront’s senior-level iOS and Android engineering teams offer free code reviews for native mobile apps written in Swift or Kotlin.

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  • UX Mentorships

    Livefront’s senior-level Product Design team offers mentorship through the Vantage program to high school students interested in a UX career.

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  • Internships

    We offer a limited number of summer internships for promising designers and engineers aspiring to build a career creating digital products that matter.

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We Open Source

  • Bridge

    An open source library for avoiding the pitfalls of Android state saving and restoration.

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  • Chimney

    A Swift command line tool for managing application secrets.

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  • Duvet

    An open source framework for displaying partial sheet views within iOS.

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  • Gson Kotlin Adapter

    An open source library to get the most out of Gson when coding in Kotlin.

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  • Pentimento

    A simple, unobtrusive, unidirectional data flow architecture.

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  • Process Killer

    An open source app for quickly and easily testing Android state restoration.

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  • Sealed Enum

    A Kotlin annotation processor for replacing enum classes with sealed classes of objects.

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  • Shroud

    A danger plugin for enforcing code coverage via a Jacoco coverage report.

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We Build

  • Loupe

    A spinoff from Livefront, Loupe is a custom debugging tool for native iOS and Android apps. It helps Engineers, QA, and Product Managers debug issues happening behind what's visible on the screen.

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  • Digital Bubbles App

    Digital Bubbles showcases the possibilities of augmented reality with ARKit. Just like real bubbles from a bubble wand, you create bubbles in the app simply by blowing into the phone!

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Let's create something remarkable together.

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