Why I Test Technology Like a Toddler
May 11, 2021

This may sound like an idiotic title for a professional software tester to write, but let me explain…
If you test technology like a toddler you will test everything! Which is one of the most important things for a quality assurance analyst to do! But here’s a question for you, “What traits should a technology tester and a toddler have in common?”
Answer: A lot of traits! I’ll give you a few examples. Besides the love for technology and “toys” and breaking things…an important trait should be curiosity!

Be Curious Like a Toddler
In my opinion, a tester should “be curious” like a toddler. This is another thing you may not expect to hear from a professional, but here’s what I mean: A toddler’s test plan includes ALL of the “What ifs?” What if I scream when I don’t get my way, what will happen? What if I make a mess, who will clean it up? What if I throw this phone over this railing, will someone get mad? Who here has experienced that test case??
If a tester isn’t thinking about “What if?” then they’re probably not developing a very comprehensive test plan. I am constantly thinking to myself, “What if I was ‘X’ and I was trying to ‘X’…what would happen?” When you fill in those blanks as many ways as you can, then you will really have tested every scenario!
Be Random Like a Toddler
Another important trait would be: a technology tester should “be random” like a toddler. Touch everything! Swipe screens in weird combinations! Tap buttons repeatedly like you don’t know what they do!! Click and drag while clicking while typing on the keyboard?! It’s these random behaviors that bring out the smallest of bugs, but can lead to discovering the most impactful of issues.
Be Focused Like a Toddler
It is equally important that a tester, like a todder, STARE INTENSELY AT THE SCREEN LIKE IT’S THE MOST AMAZING THING YOU’VE EVER SEEN!!!

You will notice the smallest of inconsistencies from your design, the differences between devices and platform behaviors especially when it comes to “transitions.” If you are paying attention to your device the way a toddler pays attention to a device, you shouldn’t have any troubles finding issues to report.
Like Peas and Carrots
Believe me, the engineers I’ve worked with know first hand that I test like a toddler. But lucky for me, they have always been impressed that I find the things I find. Which I’m sure we can agree is really the way a toddler (er, I mean “tester”) should be treated!
Let’s remember…what should really matter to any tester is making sure their test plan covers as many test cases as possible so that serious issues aren’t released into the wild and discovered by the client or worse…the customer.
And testing like a toddler will only help!

So remember testers…be curious, be random, be so focused that you could be carried away and put in a car seat without realizing it. Test like a toddler! But don’t report issues like a toddler …please!
PRO TIP: If you really test technology like a toddler, put a clause in your contract to get paid for every time you hear, “How the heck did you find that?!” I sure wish I had!
John works at Livefront as a completely “curious”, often times “random” and mostly “focused”mobile app and software QA analyst who loves breaking things and figuring out what’s inside!